Publication-Quality PDFs of the Voynich Manuscript
This site has PDFs of publication quality of the Voynich
Each page has the folio number, the quire number, and a page number for
collation. A title page and very brief introduction is
Recto and verso sides are correctly matched on the pages. Missing
folios are indicated by a page with a note to that effect.
Image resolution is 300 dpi with a single 85% JPEG compression, to
the file sizes reasonable.
Two sets of PDFs are available:
PDFs that all print onto normal 8-1/2 x 11 inch or A4 paper.
are reduced in size to fit such a page, usually in landscape format,
then full-size images of each constituent panel of a foldout follow the
reduced foldout image. These are the "PDFs that Print onto Single
Pages" above.
PDFs that include full-size foldouts, which require larger paper for
foldouts. Again, the front and back of these match the real
These are the "PDFs that Include Foldouts" above.
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